U2 the current architect

To be able to face the future in a better way we must be aware that the way we see architecture must change, and therefore the architect too.

But in this unit we will concentrate on the present, and on the main characteristics that we must collect over the next few years, hopefully, 5 years to be able to be good professionals.

Learning to observe, although it sounds a bit silly, architects see the world in a somewhat different way, and in order to acquire this skill it is necessary to draw, travel, analyze the space around us, read, take photographs and watch films that help us understand the composition of a space and how to get the most out of it.

Learn to think, and how to share with others your ideas and thoughts through words. Learn to be critical.

Learn to create, understand the needs of the client, the rules of composition, understand the materials, the construction techniques and be able to generate solutions.

Alberto Campo Baeza says that to be an architect is to be able to turn a house into a dream.

The most important thing is to understand that there are many ways to be an architect, there is not only one type of architect.